Finalise project details

At this point the details about how the project will be run will be discussed and confirmed, including arrangements for data security and data management; risk management; the linking methodology; measures to protect privacy and confidentiality (such as application of the separation principle; data access arrangements and dissemination plans; and data retention and destruction plans. These arrangements will be formalised in project agreements between the data custodians and the integrating authority and the data users and the integrating authority.

The following elements may be initiated and led by the integrating authority as appropriate:

  • Outsourcing or working in partnership - The integrating authority can outsource or work in partnership with other organisations to complete components of the project. For example, it may work with another agency to create linkage keys. However, if an outsourcing/partnership arrangement is proposed then the integrating authority should discuss this with the data custodians.
  • Human Research Ethics Committee approvals - If approval of an ethics committee is required this should be obtained before the project is given final approval.
  • Privacy Impact Assessment – Privacy Impact Assessments can be helpful in gaining an understanding about the privacy implications of a project and may be particularly useful for high risk projects. The decision of whether or not to conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment should be guided by the advice of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
  • Data management – This involves planning how the data will be treated throughout the lifecycle of the project to ensure data security and good data management.
  • Drafting project agreements - Before the project is approved, and to formalise the arrangements for the project, project agreements between data custodian(s) and the integrating authority and between the data users and the integrating authority, need to be drafted. Through this process many of the details of the project should be negotiated, settled on and documented.

For more information about the project application and approval process see: